I am a stay at home mom who is fed up with spending a large portion of income on grocery bills. It is my job, according to God, to be a good help mate for my husband. I am trying to live up to my job description. I am starting a journey into the grocery coupon world and invite you to come with me. I have never used coupons for grocery shopping and as of January 1st 2008 I am diving in. I will be using http://www.thegrocerygame/ , http://www.moneysavingmom.com and the http://www.couponmom.com/ website to guide me on how to save money. I am going to treat this adventure as a part time job and put in the hours necessary to make it work. I am excited and nervous to get started.

Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Military Families

I think that I have mentioned in one of my blogs that myself and two other friends are sharing coupons and let me tell you we are being blessed with many, many, many coupons. One of my friends has discovered that military families can use expired coupons for up to 6 months after expiration date. Here is the link if you would like to check it out http://www.ocpnet.org/ here is another link to check http://couponing.about.com/od/seasonalsavingszone/a/militaryexpcou3.htm

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