I am a stay at home mom who is fed up with spending a large portion of income on grocery bills. It is my job, according to God, to be a good help mate for my husband. I am trying to live up to my job description. I am starting a journey into the grocery coupon world and invite you to come with me. I have never used coupons for grocery shopping and as of January 1st 2008 I am diving in. I will be using http://www.thegrocerygame/ , http://www.moneysavingmom.com and the http://www.couponmom.com/ website to guide me on how to save money. I am going to treat this adventure as a part time job and put in the hours necessary to make it work. I am excited and nervous to get started.

Monday, March 24, 2008


I have been online applying for free samples and they are starting to roll in. Here lately there has been something in the mail just about every day. I have found 3m post it flags to Tampax to Hamburger Helper. I love getting free samples. All of the small shampoos and lotions are great for taking on vacation. Instead of having a large bottle of shampoo I can take a few small sample bottles, plus their FREE. Did I mention to say that their FREE!

I have starting keeping a list of the free stuff coming in the mail. I will update the list whenever I get something.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

The Free Samples sign image you added to your blog is an original piece of art from our site at
http://www.youthchg.com/regsign7.jpg. It is protected by copyright. Would you please show the image as used with permission from Youth Change Workshops and show our link as http://www.youthchg.com? Thanks in advance for respecting our copyright.