I am a stay at home mom who is fed up with spending a large portion of income on grocery bills. It is my job, according to God, to be a good help mate for my husband. I am trying to live up to my job description. I am starting a journey into the grocery coupon world and invite you to come with me. I have never used coupons for grocery shopping and as of January 1st 2008 I am diving in. I will be using http://www.thegrocerygame/ , http://www.moneysavingmom.com and the http://www.couponmom.com/ website to guide me on how to save money. I am going to treat this adventure as a part time job and put in the hours necessary to make it work. I am excited and nervous to get started.

Monday, August 11, 2008

Man with a Plan

o.k. o.k. so it should read woman with a plan but it is what it is. Here is my plan for CVS this week. Please bare with me I have been sick and my head is still in a bit of a daze. When and if I can ever get to CVS this will be my deals.

WE need diapers so that is why these deals came about. I also have about $17 in ECBs going into this week.

1st transaction
Huggies 8.99
Childrens Advil $5.79
total is 14.78 plus tax
my coupons
$2 CVS coupon
$1.50 Huggies
$1 Advil
OOP 10.28 with 5.79 in ECB earned

2nd transaction
Huggies 8.99
2.99 American greeting card
coupons used
$1.50 huggues
$2 CVS coupon
$2.99 American Greeting card (I got it from the in store scanner a couple of weeks ago)
OOP $5.49 plus tax

3rd transaction
$5.79 Advil
$5.99 Alavert
coupons used
$2 CVS
$1 Advil
$4 Alavert
OOP $4.78 with 8.79 in ECBs earned

4th transaction
8.99 Huggies
$6.99 Skin Effects product
coupons used
$2 CVS
$2 Skin effects
trying to get 1 more Huggies coupon
OOP 10.48 plus tax with 10 ECB earned

I should have a total of OOP or ECB s $31.03 and I will earn $24.58 back. This is not a great deal but we need diapers.

My cash should be very minimal out of pocket because I will keep rolling my ECBs.

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