I am a stay at home mom who is fed up with spending a large portion of income on grocery bills. It is my job, according to God, to be a good help mate for my husband. I am trying to live up to my job description. I am starting a journey into the grocery coupon world and invite you to come with me. I have never used coupons for grocery shopping and as of January 1st 2008 I am diving in. I will be using http://www.thegrocerygame/ , http://www.moneysavingmom.com and the http://www.couponmom.com/ website to guide me on how to save money. I am going to treat this adventure as a part time job and put in the hours necessary to make it work. I am excited and nervous to get started.

Thursday, August 21, 2008

Newspapers Newspapers!

A couple of friends and myself had been getting free newspapers on Sundays from different sources and it was good. About a month ago things started tightening up. The papers were not available and we were not getting enough coupons and we started to stress about keeping a good supply of coupons. A couple of weeks ago I decided to call our local newspaper to see if we could just buy inserts or if we could buy papers in bulk. To my surprise the man at the newspaper set me up. For two weeks I have woken up to 25 Sunday papers delivered on my front porch for a price of $7.40 a week. Three friends and I share these papers so we each pay $7.40 a month for 6 papers a week. I love this because it has truly taken the stress out of finding newspapers and worrying if we will get coupons every week. As an added bonus when there is a really good coupon coming I can call and request more papers for that week.

I like this picture with the green. Coupons are just money waiting to be saved. Coupons are extra cash in my pocket.


Judah said...

oh can I get in on this. my stores have stopped letting me have papers as well

Connie said...

I happened upon your blog and loved this post! What a fantastic idea...I'll be calling my newpaper tomorrow! Feel free to check out my $$ saving blog :) Take care!